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== 62 35493 ==
In '/etc/xinetd.d/' there is a file called smtp_psa,cheap nike air max, you will need to copy this file to another filename (in this example I'll use smtp2_psa).<br />
<br />
In this new file, you will want to change the line:<br />
'service smtp' to 'service smtp2'<br />
<br />
Once this is complete, you will need to modify your /etc/services file, and add the smtp2 service:<br />
Simply copy/paste the existing smtp line and change the name and port (we'll use port 26 in this example).<br />
smtp2 26/tcp mail<br />
smtp2 26/udp mail<br />
Restart xinetd.<br />
# /etc/init,82_2156.d/xinetd restart<br />
<br />
Check to make sure the new port is now listening<br />
# netstat -plunt |grep :26<br />
<br />
That should return something similar to<br />
tcp 0 0 0.0.0,friends and others will spread the word.0:* LISTEN 2345/xinetd<br />
You can test this connection from the outside by trying to telnet to port 26 on the server,82_2012.<br />
From a linux shell or Windows command prompt enter<br />
<br />
# telnet 26<br />
<br />
(be sure to replace 123.123,82_373.123.123 with your server's real IP address)<br />
If it's successful it should return something similar to<br />
Trying 123.123.123,cheap gucci outlet,62_19019.123...<br />
Connected to hostname,cheap puma suede.domain (123.123.123,wholesale nike shoes.123).<br />
Escape character is '^]',new puma shoes.<br />
220 hostname,82_45078.domain.tld ESMTP<br />
Enter 'quit' to quit the telnet session.<br />
<br />
You will also need to modify the port in your mail client to use the new SMTP port.

Revision as of 17:51, 28 May 2013