Unleash the Salary Secrets of the Medical Technician
Salary earned by the Phlebotomy technician The Phlebotomy Technician typically render their services in blood banks, medical centers, and clinics. the major duties performed by the phlebotomy technicians consists of works such as collecting blood samples and perform tests in the clinical lab. Accredited training is the basic requirement of the most of the states, in order to become a phlebotomy technician. According to recent studies made by the HealthcareTrainingCenter.com it revealed the secret that the average salary for a phlebotomist differs in every location. If you are want to become a phlebotomy technician then you need to try to obtain at least 1 to 4 years of experience. This could allow you to earn around $28,000 per year.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, reported recently that the phlebotomy technicians who are rendering their valuable services in big hospitals can also get salaries on hourly basis with an average of more than $12. But if probably they are working in Doctor’s office or in some private clinics then they are earning bit lesser. The salary of the phlebotomy technician will reach the height of $35,000 a year and more, as he or she gains more than 5 years of experience in this field of science. The advancements made in the medical technology have raised the demand for the services of phlebotomy technician and this demand is expected to grow up to 18 to 26 percent by the year 2014.
Salary earned by the ultrasound technician
An Sonography Ultrasound Technician is a medical professional who examines the people suffering with illness with the use of an electronic machinery device that makes use of the energy and sound waves for getting a perfect image of the internal parts of the patient’s body. when the device is placed and moved over the patient’s parts of the body, then the machine will show clear picture of the inner parts of the organs along with sound. the average salary of the ultrasound technician usually depends on the hospitals they are working and the vast experienced gained by them. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, states that the ultrasound technician earns an annual salary of $83,640. The average salary obtained by an ultrasound tech differs according to the rules prevailing in the states. According to the statistics given by the Bureau of Labor Statistics data, the mean wage earned by ultrasound technician working in hospitals are up to $73,770 and those rendering their services in the physician’ clinical offices earned $73,820.
Salary earned by Radiology Technician
The service of the Radiologic Technologist and Technician includes functions like telling to the patients information about the working procedures of the X-ray equipment and also make them ready for the X-ray room. The Radiology Technician must have knowledge about the positioning of the patients to get the perfect x-rays.
The Average salary earned by the Radiology technician is acknowledged to be $36,000 in a year. If the Radiology technician has high level experience that ranges from 10 to 20 years then they will be getting a salary of about $57,000 per year. The average salary earned by New York City Radiology technicians ranges up to $55,500 per year. Thus it differs according to the states and cities they are working.