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Distinctive Tips to Write SEO Powered Blog Posts

When it comes to driving relevant traffic to a blog, the best technique is search engine optimization. It gives you steady, long term results and doesn't cost you anything. If you want to start getting search engine traffic, you'll have to think about SEO whenever you post to your blog.

If you create your post randomly then it won't serve any real purpose because you won't have much search engine traffic. You have to learn some basic SEO principles and apply them to the posts you write. If you want to start ranking well for your primary keywords, start applying the tactics that follow.

Be original when you create your blog posts. You should try to brand yourself in some way rather than copying other bloggers. One of the latest concepts in the world of blogging is making videos, or vlogging, and this can be an effective strategy. But you don't have to turn into a vlogger, as you can still include videos in your posts because they tend to be effective when it comes to delivering the "how to" content.

Why is everyone making such a big deal out of video today? The reason is that videos help you get ranked by the search engines, who are always looking for quality content. There are a variety of tools to help you create videos easily, such as Jing, Animoto and Camtasia. Cell phones can be used if you want to speak in the video yourself. Video distribution services make it simple to send your completed videos to Youtube, Yahoo Video and other video sharing sites.

When you're creating your post keep in mind that content is the key to success with SEO; content is king! For one thing, make sure your posts or articles are easy to read. One popular way to create a post is as a numbered list of points, suggestions or mistakes. This style is both simple for the writer to create and for the reader to absorb. Even if you don't use lists, you should strive to write in shorter paragraphs, as these are more readable than longer ones.

Last, make sure that you are using the right categories for your blog posts and also are using the right keywords. These categories must be chosen according to your articles and also help the search engines during navigation. This is one item that many bloggers don't pay attention to, but it can greatly increase your standings if you do it. All blogs deserve to enjoy the advantages of highly targeted traffic and the easiest way to generate it is through the search engines. No matter how small posts you create on your blog, always remember that the search engines are looking for new, quality content that is current. You will receive quality, targeted traffic on a regular basis as long as you provide them what they want.