From NexusWiki
- The serial number of the weapon. It has to be unique among the devices. (Weapon, Shield, Engine, Support)
- Name
- The name of the weapon. With this name you can refer to the weapon in #name format, as a constant in the script or in the subsequent parts of the chart.
- Mesh
- The name and route of the weapon’s model, you only have to give the route within the meshes.
- Category
- Always 1.
- Civilization
- Which civilization’s device?
- Sets
- Into which SETs does the device belong to.
- Special
- The special features of the device, there can be only one in one square:
- NoTarget: the device cannot be damaged by attacking
- Automatic: the weapon selects a target by itself, and fires
- Crisis <num>: it causes a crisis in the power system, every power systems will work slower for a while
- CrisisOut <num>: in case of hit, the causes a crisis in the target’s power system, and all of its power systems will work slower for a while.
- ReserveCons <num>: it is needed for the functioning, and it is an immediately consumed reserve power.
- ReserveConsOut <num>: in case of a hit, the target’s reserve pool will decrease with this amount.
- Purpose
- The usage possibilities of the weapon:
- 1: shield breaker
- 2: hull demolisher
- 3: device damager
- 4: it affects an area
- 5: anti-aircraft defense
- 6: scanner
- Carried
- If the weapon is a squadron, this is the size of it.
- HitChanceCat
- The hit accuracy of the weapon, see the BaseHitChance chart.
- DeviceHitChance
- The chance of the weapon, the hit a certain device.
- AutoDistance
- In case of an automatic weapon, this is that distance in which it fires.
- MaxCount
- In case of a piecemeal weapon, this is the default number of piecesmeal.
- CountDec
- In case of firing, this is the amount with which the piecemeal decreases.
- GroupFire
- In case of firing this is number of effects start, at that time the damage is evaluated so many times. In case of squadron, this is the number of pieces of the boats within the squadron.
- BatValue
- In case of commando, this is the value that engages the target ship’s security value.
- Substance
- The material of the shot, it matters because of the shields’ components:
- 1: energy
- 2: solid
- 3: bomber
- DamageSet
- Not used.
- Charge
- The weapon generator can load this much energy into the weapon in every tick, that is, approximately in every tenth of a second.
- EnergyIn
- The amount of energy that is needed to fire the weapon. The weapon’s rate of fire can be calculated from this and the charge value.
- PenetrateShield
- The weapon’s shield penetration value. PenetrateShield/Defense(Shield) gives how many percent of the damage can reach the ship. In case this is lower than a treshold (tacticsbase.ini), than the shot won’t get through the shield.
- DamageShield
- It damages the shield’s integrity with this value by default.
- DamageHull
- It damages the hull with this value by default.
- DamageDevice
- It damages the hit device with this value by default.
- DamageEnergy
- It decreases the charging, but not raised shield’s energy with this value by default.
- IonizeDevice
- It puts the weapon out of service for a certain time.
- MaxHullDam
- The weapon can damage the hull with maximum this value.
- Detected
- In case the device is functioning, it modifies the ship’s perceptability with Detect percent.
- Scanned
- In case the device is functioning, the chance of getting identified is increased by this percent.
- Hpmax
- The weapon’s Health Point.
- RepairHP
- The given weapon can recover maximum this amount in every tick, that is, in every tenth of a second.
- Start
- The launching parameters of the shot:
- <param1>:
- 1: it starts docked out
- 2: the weapon fires
- <param2>: it is not used, it is always 0.
- <param3>: the number of the launching effect
- <param4>: the scaling of the Effect.
- Travel
- The traveling parameters of the shot:
- <param1>
- 1: the radius from the firing to the target
- 2: the traveling shot
- 3: the shot that has a shipclass
- 4: the shot that aims a breaching point, and it does not have a shipclass
- <param2>
- ‘param1’=1: the maximum length of the radius
- ‘param1’=2: the speed of the shot
- <param3>: the number of the travel effect
- <param4>: the scaling of the effect
- End
- The impact parameters of the shot:
- <param1>:
- 1: impact
- 3: it affects an area
- 3: the assault drive of the fighters
- 4: breaching
- <param2>: the maximum area of the effect, outside this the effect decreases quadratically.
- <param3>: the number of the impact effect
- <param4>: the scaling of the effect
- CannonMaxFireAng
- The firing angle of the weapon.
- ShipMaxFireAng
- Not used.
- Maneuver
- The number of maneouver that is needed to fire the weapon.
- Upgrade
- Not used.
- Available
- Not used.
- InstallRP
- How many resource points the item costs in the config menu