Nexus:TJI Creating Solar systems

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This page is a 'work in progress' - while this warning is in place, then the guide is not finished.

Creating Solar Systems

In this guide, we going to learn how to create a new solar system from scratch. Now we could simply use a system that someone’s already created, but there’s no fun in that and we are here to learn after all (Besides, it’s part of the mission making tutorial anyway). I’d also just like to take a moment to say thank you to Jusas, for writing the tutorial that I’m using as a foundation for this part. Believe it or not, making a new system is quite simple, just a little time consuming and if you try reading the manual through first, then it can seem quite daunting. Hopefully, this version will be much easier on the eye (and mind!).

Now, before we begin, I’d just like to point out that I do my scripting with notepad, but you’re free to use whatever’s comfortable for you. So let’s begin…

Our first step is actually a bit of cheating, what we’re going to do is navigate our way through the original campaign files by this path – ‘Nexus - The Jupiter Incident\universe\systems’, where we should find the file ‘sol.system’. Copy this file and place it in the new ‘systems’ file we just created.

So we should be looking at…

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