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CamLocate(fromobj, mode, x,y,z, atobj, mode, x,y,z, roll, time);

In ’time’ time it moves the camera to ’from’, while it moves the looked point to ’at’, and it brings the camera’s turning around the axis into ’roll’. This command can be mixed arbitrarily with the aforementioned camera movement commands.

If obj=0, than x,y,z define absolute co-ordinates. If obj is a ship, than depending on the mode: 1 - x,y,z are relative co-ordinates for the ship’s center; 2 – the position is defined by the ship’s own coordinate system, that is the point increases the turning of the ship too (Z is the fore-axis of the ship, Y is towards the top of the ship, X is towards the right side of the ship); 3 – the ship’s bounding box coordinate system is valid. This is a special system that was stretched to the ship’s size, where the (-1,-1,-1) - (1,1,1) cube is suitable for the ship’S bounding box. This way, you can easily create views that are independent of the size of the ship. The axes are the same as before. The ship can be a boat too, you can create bomber views that are different from the others. If object is not a ship, then x,y,z are relative co-ordinates for the object’s position. If you give an object, than the point will follow the object’s movement from than on, according to the given relative position.

In case mode is a negative number, than its absolute value will be used for the mode, but in that case x,y,z means moving compared to the previous position. If you give different obj, or different mode than the previous one, than it keeps the position’s absolute place in space (that is its former place will transform into the new co-ordinate system), and this is how the moving is added (the moving is always understood in the new system).