From NexusWiki
- Period <mp>
- The setting of the tick.
- CollapseLimit 30
- unknown
- CrisisDecay <regen>
- In case of an energy crisis this amount is recovered from the production in every tick.
- MaxSpeedFactor <max>
- The maximum speed, the ’max’ percent of the basic speed.
- ShieldFactor <comp_count> <eff>
- The shield components simultaneous functioning decreases the effectiveness of the defense. The real defense will be ’Defense’ * ’eff’ / 100.
- ShieldLimit <percent>
- The damage value does not get through the shield under ’percent’ percent.
- ShieldCollapse <percent>
- The shield collapses if it falls to ’percent’ percent of charge.
- ShieldBuild <percent>
- The shield builds up, if it reaches ’percent’ percent charge.
- AreaRndAmount 2 5
- unknown
- MinHullDamageLimit 50
- unknown
- RadiationSuppReq <energy>
- It eleminates the damage of radioactivity.
- RadiationDamage <dam>
- The default value of the radioactivity damage.
- SupportLowReactivateLimit
- It switches back on the AI device only, if there is enough energy to provide it for ’time’ seconds.
- IonizingDestroyFactor 20
- unknown
- IonizingHPDamage 300
- unknown
- RepairDisabPeriod <time>
- After ’time’ seconds of the hit the repairing can begin
- RepairDisabDam #CREWL_ROOKIE 2
- unknown
- RepairDisabTime 10
- unknown
- DevRepairDisabTime 5
- unknown
- DevDisableLimit <percent>
- If the device is damaged to ’percent’ percent, than it will becomes out of service.
- DevReactivateLimit <percent>
- If the device is recovered to ’percent’ percent, it can be reactivated.
- EngineerResourcePoints 2 2 2
- unknown
- ResourcePointRepair 35000 5000 2000
- unknown
- TargetProtect 50
- unknown