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I’ve always advised those that want to start internet marketing business or promote their business online to start with blogging . You know why?

Blogging , as I have said in the past is like a military base where you deploy men for war, provide and supply weapons and artilleries; strategize and train soldiers on how to fight and win a battle. Now, just imagine a situation where a country has no military formation and there is an enemy on offensive against her? How victorious will such country be in that battle? You know the answer already.

See, Internet business or marketing is like a battle ground, you have great competitors, people already doing what you want to do and if you are going to be a winner, you will need a base, a launching pad that you can use to execute your plan, promote your product and service, showcase who you are, display what you can provide better than the rest of your competitors and maximize your profit.

There are 3 types of blogs you can create. Here is the list below: 1. Personal Blog 2. Business Blog 3. Niche Blog Personal Blog It is the type of blog that is designed for an individual. Most of the time, the url or the website name is the name of the person that own the blog. When you visit such blog, you will easily know that it is owned by this person because you may read posts that are about the owner’s personal life or some events that are related to the owner. The owner can give his or her opinion on the page, promote self image, introduce his or her product/service or review other people or company product/service. This is dependent on the mood of the owner of the blog. But all in all, you will always have the feel of the owner of the blog any time you visit a personal blog. Business Blog This may be run by individual or organization that has the mindset of promoting some products and services. The way it is done is that articles related to these products and services will be published regularly and this will draw those that are interested to such site who will alongside discover some of this products/services. Niche Blog This is a blog whereby the owner targets a specific topic. The main topic will be the theme of the blog. For example, the owner may decide to blog about weight loss, health and fitness, making money, politics, entertainment etc. The topic can even be narrowed down. For example, the owner may decide to blog about how to develop six packs for men which is like a topic under health and fitness.

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