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Tutorial("title", "text", position, "pointto", event1, event2);

The position can go from 1-5, it meant the screen’s corners, and center. pointto is the name of a GUI object, where the arrow has to point. In case of an empty string (’’) there is no arrow. event1 and event2 is effected, if the player presses the 1. and 2. key on the tutorial screen. If either of them is 0, then the key itself wont appear either.

PointTo: // Own Ship List OSL OSL.GroupBtnX // X = 0..3 OSL.SortBtn OSL.SortDirBtn OSL.List.ShipName // ShipName = ship IDName OSL.List.ShipName/Idx // Idx = Squadron Index // Own Ship Panel OSP OSP.Head.SwitchBtn OSP.Head.NPCBtn NPCPanelX // X = 1..4 OSP.Energy.XXX // XXX = Support, Engine, Shield, Weapon OSP.Energy.XXX.BtnY // Y = 0, 1, 2 OSP.Fire // the part where the number of torpedoes are OSP.Fire.TorpedoBtn OSP.Fire.MissileBtn OSP.Behaviour OSP.Behaviour.BtnXXX // XXX = Aggressive, Defensive, Cautious, NoFire // Own Ship Buttons OSB OSB.InfoBtn OSB.ManualBtn OSB.RepairBtn // Manual Panel MP MP.Shield MP.Shield.ShieldBtn MP.Weapons MP.Weapons.WeaponIDName MP.Supports MP.Supports.SupportIDName MP.Engines MP.Engines.EngineIDName MP.MovePanel MP.MovePanel.CombatBtn MP.MovePanel.ArtilleryBtn MP.MovePanel.BomberBtn MP.MovePanel.Slider // the slide on the move panel // Repair panel RP RP.Supports RP.Supports.DeviceIDName RP.Engines RP.Engines.DeviceIDName RP.Generators RP.Generators.DeviceIDName RP.Weapons RP.Weapons.DeviceIDName // Enemy Ship List ESL ESL.DevicesBtn ESL.InfoBtn ESL.SortBtn ESL.SortDirBtn ESL.List.ShipIDName ESL.ShipIDName/SqdIdx ESL.GateIDName // Enemy Ship Panel ESP ESP.Ship.shipname // ’shipname’ the name of a ship // Enemy Devices Panel EDP EDP.Shield EDP.Shield.DeviceIDName EDP.Engines EDP.Engines.DeviceIDName EDP.Supports EDP.Supports.DeviceIDName EDP.Weapons // command bar CmdBar CmdBar.BtnX // X = 0..13