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uDifficultyLevel ();

It returns the difficulty level selected by the player. 1 = easy, 2 = normal, 3 = hard. Can be used to make changes to the campaign's difficulty according to the player's difficulty selection, like giving him more resource points, better equipment or different enemies.

Campaign script commands

Equipment and stock
obj:uInset - obj:uInstallDevice - obj:uRemoveDevice - obj:uSetRequired - obj:uSetResourcePoints - uAddDevicesToStock - uClearResourceStock - uFleetScreenReadOnly - uRepairPlayersFleet - uShowFleetScreen
Mission progression
uEnterMission - uEnterMissionQuick - uSetNextMission
obj:uCopyReproducableDevTypes - obj:uSetParent - uDifficultyLevel - uGet - uGetNPC - uGetPlayersFleet - uGui_EnableCommand - uPlayBink - uPlayBriefing - uSelectNR - uSetDetectionLevel - uSetStoryDate

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